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Employment Opportunities

Certified Sewer Plant Operator

The Borough of Northampton seeks a certified/licensed sewer plant operator.  The position is for the operation and maintenance of the sewer plant, pump stations, and collection system.  Applicant should have a wastewater Class A or Class B license, experience in the field and be available to work on holidays, weekends, and respond to alarm conditions and situations.  Applicant must also hold a valid PA driver's license. Send resume application by mail to 1401 Laubach Avenue, Northampton, PA 18067 or email to  Applications are due by August 18, 2023.  EOE.

You can view the official job description HERE.

You can download the application HERE.
Seasonal Positions

The Borough of Northampton seeks applicants for seasonal positions.  These positions include Basket Attendants, Cashiers, Lifeguards, a Pool Manager, an Assistant Pool Manager, and Public Works Laborers.  Anyone interested in applying must be at least 14 years of age and be eligible to work in Pennsylvania.  Working papers are required for applicants between the ages of 14 and 17. Applications can be turned in at the Borough Office - 1401 Laubach Ave., Northampton, PA 18067 or emailed to  EOE.

You can download the Pool application HERE.

You can download the Laborer application HERE.
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